Below you'll find the source for the Visual Basic 6 function IsValidHostname.
Attribute VB_Name = "modIsValidHostname"
' This function is downloaded from:
' You may freely distribute this file but please leave all comments, including this one, in it.
' @Author Stefan Thoolen <>
Option Explicit
' Checks if a hostname is valid
' @param String hostname The hostname that needs checking
' @return Boolean True if it's valid, false if it's not
' @author Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function IsValidHostname(ByVal hostname As String) As Boolean
' A hostname may not be longer then 255 characters
If Len(hostname) > 255 Then Exit Function
' A hostname is built up of multiple parts;
' - with a minimum length of 1 character
' - with a maximum length of 63 characters
' - which may not start nor end with a hyphen
Dim parts() As String, i As Integer
parts = Split(hostname, ".")
For i = LBound(parts) To UBound(parts)
If Len(parts(i)) < 1 Or Len(parts(i)) > 63 Then Exit Function
If Left(parts(i), 1) = "-" Then Exit Function
If Right(parts(i), 1) = "-" Then Exit Function
Next i
' Lets make the value lower case, makes compairing easier
hostname = LCase(hostname)
' A hostname may only contain dots, hyphens, letters (a-z) and digits (0-9)
Dim charcode As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(hostname)
charcode = Asc(Mid(hostname, i, 1))
' 45=- 46=. 48=0 57=9 97=a 122=z
If (charcode < 97 Or charcode > 122) And _
(charcode < 48 Or charcode > 57) And _
charcode <> 45 And charcode <> 46 Then Exit Function
Next i
IsValidHostname = True
End Function