Below you'll find the source for the Visual Basic 6 function htmlentities.
Attribute VB_Name = "modHtmlentities"
' These functions are downloaded from:
' You may freely distribute this file but please leave all comments, including this one, in it.
' @Author Stefan Thoolen <>
Option Explicit
End Enum
ENT_COMPAT = 0 ' Default: Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.
ENT_QUOTES = 1 ' Will convert both double and single quotes.
ENT_NOQUOTES = 2 ' Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.
End Enum
' Returns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities()
' Same syntax as the PHP function 'get_html_translation_table'
' See also:
' @param ENTITY_TABLE table The table to use, tHTML_ENTITIES or tHTML_SPECIALCHARS
' @param QUOTE_STYLE quote_style The quote style, ENT_COMPAT, ENT_QUOTES or ENT_NOQUOTES
' @return Variant An array containing the translation table
' @author Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function get_html_translation_table(table As ENTITY_TABLE, Optional quote_style As QUOTE_STYLE) As Variant
Dim itempart(1 To 2)
ReDim retval(1 To 1)
itempart(1) = Chr(60): itempart(2) = "<": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(62): itempart(2) = ">": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(38): itempart(2) = "&": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
If quote_style <> ENT_NOQUOTES Then ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(34): itempart(2) = """: retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
If quote_style = ENT_QUOTES Then ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(39): itempart(2) = "'": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
End If
If table = tHTML_ENTITIES Then
itempart(1) = Chr(160): itempart(2) = " ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(161): itempart(2) = "¡": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(162): itempart(2) = "¢": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(163): itempart(2) = "£": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(164): itempart(2) = "¤": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(165): itempart(2) = "¥": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(166): itempart(2) = "¦": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(167): itempart(2) = "§": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(168): itempart(2) = "¨": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(169): itempart(2) = "©": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(170): itempart(2) = "ª": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(171): itempart(2) = "«": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(172): itempart(2) = "¬": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(173): itempart(2) = "­": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(174): itempart(2) = "®": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(175): itempart(2) = "¯": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(176): itempart(2) = "°": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(177): itempart(2) = "±": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(178): itempart(2) = "²": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(179): itempart(2) = "³": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(180): itempart(2) = "´": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(181): itempart(2) = "µ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(182): itempart(2) = "¶": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(183): itempart(2) = "·": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(184): itempart(2) = "¸": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(185): itempart(2) = "¹": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(186): itempart(2) = "º": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(187): itempart(2) = "»": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(188): itempart(2) = "¼": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(189): itempart(2) = "½": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(190): itempart(2) = "¾": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(191): itempart(2) = "¿": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(192): itempart(2) = "À": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(193): itempart(2) = "Á": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(194): itempart(2) = "Â": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(195): itempart(2) = "Ã": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(196): itempart(2) = "Ä": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(197): itempart(2) = "Å": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(198): itempart(2) = "Æ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(199): itempart(2) = "Ç": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(200): itempart(2) = "È": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(201): itempart(2) = "É": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(202): itempart(2) = "Ê": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(203): itempart(2) = "Ë": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(204): itempart(2) = "Ì": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(205): itempart(2) = "Í": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(206): itempart(2) = "Î": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(207): itempart(2) = "Ï": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(208): itempart(2) = "Ð": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(209): itempart(2) = "Ñ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(210): itempart(2) = "Ò": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(211): itempart(2) = "Ó": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(212): itempart(2) = "Ô": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(213): itempart(2) = "Õ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(214): itempart(2) = "Ö": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(215): itempart(2) = "×": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(216): itempart(2) = "Ø": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(217): itempart(2) = "Ù": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(218): itempart(2) = "Ú": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(219): itempart(2) = "Û": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(220): itempart(2) = "Ü": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(221): itempart(2) = "Ý": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(222): itempart(2) = "Þ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(223): itempart(2) = "ß": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(224): itempart(2) = "à": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(225): itempart(2) = "á": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(226): itempart(2) = "â": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(227): itempart(2) = "ã": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(228): itempart(2) = "ä": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(229): itempart(2) = "å": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(230): itempart(2) = "æ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(231): itempart(2) = "ç": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(232): itempart(2) = "è": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(233): itempart(2) = "é": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(234): itempart(2) = "ê": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(235): itempart(2) = "ë": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(236): itempart(2) = "ì": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(237): itempart(2) = "í": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(238): itempart(2) = "î": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(239): itempart(2) = "ï": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(240): itempart(2) = "ð": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(241): itempart(2) = "ñ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(242): itempart(2) = "ò": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(243): itempart(2) = "ó": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(244): itempart(2) = "ô": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(245): itempart(2) = "õ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(246): itempart(2) = "ö": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(247): itempart(2) = "÷": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(248): itempart(2) = "ø": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(249): itempart(2) = "ù": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(250): itempart(2) = "ú": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(251): itempart(2) = "û": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(252): itempart(2) = "ü": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(253): itempart(2) = "ý": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(254): itempart(2) = "þ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(255): itempart(2) = "ÿ": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
If quote_style <> ENT_NOQUOTES Then ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(34): itempart(2) = """: retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
If quote_style = ENT_QUOTES Then ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(39): itempart(2) = "'": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(60): itempart(2) = "<": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(62): itempart(2) = ">": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
ReDim Preserve retval(1 To UBound(retval) + 1): itempart(1) = Chr(38): itempart(2) = "&": retval(UBound(retval)) = itempart
End If
get_html_translation_table = retval
End Function
' Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
' Same syntax as the PHP function 'htmlentities'
' See also:
' Only didn't use the parameter charset, since we have no use for it, I think :-)
' @param String tstr The input string
' @param QUOTE_STYLE quote_style The quote style, ENT_COMPAT, ENT_QUOTES or ENT_NOQUOTES
' @return The entitied string
' @author Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function htmlentities(tstr As String, Optional quote_style As quote_style) As String
Dim replaces() As Variant, i As Integer, j As Integer, s As String, t As String
replaces = get_html_translation_table(tHTML_ENTITIES, quote_style)
i = i + 1
For j = LBound(replaces) To UBound(replaces)
If Mid(tstr, i, Len(replaces(j)(1))) = replaces(j)(1) Then
s = Left(tstr, i - 1)
t = Right(tstr, Len(tstr) - i + 1 - Len(replaces(j)(1)))
tstr = s & replaces(j)(2) & t
i = i - Len(replaces(j)(1)) + Len(replaces(j)(2)): If i < 1 Then i = 1
End If
Next j
Loop Until i > Len(tstr)
htmlentities = tstr
End Function