Below you'll find the source for the Visual Basic 6 function unserialize.
Attribute VB_Name = "modUnserialize"
' This function is downloaded from:
' You may freely distribute this file but please leave all comments, including this one, in it.
' @Author Stefan Thoolen <>
Option Explicit
' Creates a PHP value from a stored representation
' Same syntax as the PHP function 'unserialize'
' See also:
' @param String str A PHP-style serialized value
' @return Variant A VB array
' @author Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function unserialize(ByVal str As String) As Variant
Dim retval() As Variant, Index As Integer, i As Integer, inpdata As String
inpdata = str
' Checks used split character for Decimal (depends from country, dot or comma)
Dim commaused As Boolean
If CStr(CDec("5.44")) = "544" Then
commaused = True
commaused = False
End If
' Used at String, Integer, Array
Dim nr As String, b As String
' Used at Array
Dim arraydata As String, arrayend As Boolean, arraydepth As Integer, initstate As Boolean
If Len(inpdata) > 32767 Then
' Data may not be longer then 32767 characters. Otherwise it will raise an overflow error
Error 6
End If
i = 0
i = i + 1
Select Case UCase(Mid(inpdata, i, 1))
Case "A" ' Array pointer (in this routine called Subarray)
' New value in array
Index = Index + 1: ReDim Preserve retval(1 To Index)
Do ' Loops until next { to get to the array start, I don't parse the value count, since it's not required data
i = i + 1
b = Mid(inpdata, i, 1)
If b <> "{" Then nr = nr & b
Loop Until b = "{" Or i >= Len(inpdata)
arraydata = "": b = "": arrayend = False: initstate = True
Do ' Loops until array is ended
i = i + 1
b = Mid(inpdata, i, 1)
arraydata = arraydata & b
' Checks for strings
If initstate Then
If UCase(b) = "S" Then ' String in subarray, can contain } so be careful
i = i + 1: arraydata = arraydata & ":" ' Expects a : right after the string-declaration
' Almost exact copy of string functionality
nr = "": b = ""
Do ' Loops until next : to get the string length
i = i + 1
b = Mid(inpdata, i, 1)
arraydata = arraydata & b
If b <> ":" Then nr = nr & b
Loop Until b = ":" Or i >= Len(inpdata)
arraydata = arraydata & Chr(34) & Mid(inpdata, i + 2, Val(nr)) & Chr(34) & ";"
i = i + Val(nr) + 3 ' 3 = two times " and one time ;
End If
initstate = False
If b = ";" Then initstate = True
End If
' Subsub arrays will be handled here
If b = "{" Then arraydepth = arraydepth + 1
If b = "}" Then
If arraydepth = 0 Then arrayend = True Else arraydepth = arraydepth - 1
End If
If i >= Len(inpdata) Then arrayend = True ' Exeption
Loop Until arrayend
arraydata = Left(arraydata, Len(arraydata) - 1) ' Removes last }
retval(Index) = unserialize(arraydata)
Case "S" ' String pointer
' New value in array
Index = Index + 1: ReDim Preserve retval(1 To Index)
i = i + 1 ' Expects a : right after the string-declaration
nr = "": b = ""
Do ' Loops until next : to get the string length
i = i + 1
b = Mid(inpdata, i, 1)
If b <> ":" Then nr = nr & b
Loop Until b = ":" Or i >= Len(inpdata)
retval(Index) = Mid(inpdata, i + 2, Val(nr))
i = i + Val(nr) + 3 ' 3 = two times " and one time ;
Case "B" ' Boolean pointer
' New value in array
Index = Index + 1: ReDim Preserve retval(1 To Index)
i = i + 1 ' Expects a : right after the boolean-declaration
i = i + 1 ' Boolean-value itself
If Mid(inpdata, i, 1) = "1" Then retval(Index) = True Else retval(Index) = False
i = i + 1 ' Expects a ; right after the boolean-value
Case "I" ' Integer pointer
' New value in array
Index = Index + 1: ReDim Preserve retval(1 To Index)
i = i + 1 ' Expects a : right after the integer-declaration
nr = "": b = ""
Do ' Loops until next ; to get the string length
i = i + 1
b = Mid(inpdata, i, 1)
If b <> ";" Then nr = nr & b
Loop Until b = ";" Or i >= Len(inpdata)
retval(Index) = CInt(nr)
Case "D" ' Double pointer
' New value in array
Index = Index + 1: ReDim Preserve retval(1 To Index)
i = i + 1 ' Expects a : right after the double-declaration
nr = "": b = ""
Do ' Loops until next ; to get the string length
i = i + 1
b = Mid(inpdata, i, 1)
If b <> ";" Then nr = nr & b
Loop Until b = ";" Or i >= Len(inpdata)
If commaused Then nr = Replace(nr, ".", ",")
retval(Index) = CDec(nr)
Case "N" ' Null pointer
' New value in array
Index = Index + 1: ReDim Preserve retval(1 To Index)
retval(Index) = Null
i = i + 1 ' Expects a ; at the end of the Null
Case Else
' The string contains unparsable values
Error 93
End Select
Loop Until i >= Len(inpdata)
unserialize = retval
End Function